Friday, September 30, 2011

Other Mornings

And as bonus, here is another drawing for I did for the longer project I mentioned last week.  I'm in the process of coloring it, but here is a black and white version.  I will be posting the full color version when I complete it.

I will also be adding other drawings soon.

This is also the first drawing I've inked with a brush in some time.  I will be trying to do the same for the comics soon.  For convenience I have been using a sharpie pen to ink, which I'm not thrilled about.  I think the variation in the line work really adds something to the drawings.

Anyway... Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Heat Lightning and Toons

For those of you who regularly check out this blog, I just wanted to mention that both Toons ( in Ames, Iowa and The Heat Lightning ( will be running these comics.

I will continue posting new stuff here, but definitely take the time to check out both.  Toons is print, but they post comics in their archives online.



Comics about the past

Monday, September 26, 2011

Late Post Again!

Had a crazy day today.  Too much going on, hence the late posting.  

Friday, September 23, 2011

Comic! Plus preview of current project!

As a bonus I'm including a section of the first page of another comic I'm working on.  I'm going to be submitting it to different journals for publication, so I can't post the whole thing.  I was originally going to post the full page, but I don't know how that would go over with editors since most want previously unpublished work.

One day I will post the whole thing.

That being said... Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Abel!

It's my brother Abel's birthday today, so I thought I would post a comic featuring him.  Happy Birthday Abel.

True story.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Comics are back!

As a bonus I'm adding the comic I did to grace the cover of my portfolio for my school application.  It's not funny really, but the expressions amuse me, so I thought I would share it.

This is just one of the many things I was catching up on this past week.


Friday, September 9, 2011

No Comics Next Week

I'm not going to be posting any new comics next week.  I'm taking a little break because there are some other projects I have to finish up that I have neglected the past couple of days.

Don't worry.  I will be back on the 19th with more stuff.



She didn't cave.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Litro Publication

I wanted to take the time out and thank Litro for publishing a comic I did in collaboration with Chris Wiewiora, An Adventure of Buffalo Chris.

They are UK based, so many of you who regularly check my comics won't have access to the print version, but they have also posted it online for your viewing pleasure.

So take the time out to go to their site and read it, as well as all the other fine comics that went into the issue.

Below is a direct link to my comic.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Dino Don is back!

You can't tell because it's a comic, but those dino slippers totally roar with every step!  I know what your thinking, and I want a pair too.  Not much good during a stealth operation, but man would they be awesome any other time.

Candy or Medicine Publication

Volume 14 and 15 of Candy or Medicine is out.  Volume fourteen features a comic by me, but they all feature solid content.

You can order off the website:

or at the etsy shop:

Show some support.